« If you were a Wu Ping film... | Main | Rolling over already? »

you have a belly button!

your cord came off just now! w00! this means, among other things, that we can give you a bath, which is a good thing 'cuz, hoo doggy, you smell...

...next thing you know, you'll be piercing it behind our backs! well, let me asure you; i don't have a problem with it, as long as i know what's going on. that'll be a general theme in your life: assuming its not something egregiously stupid, as long as i know where you'll be and roughly what you'll be doing, and with whom, you'll get a pretty long leash. communication is key to liberation. remember that.

i love you, baby girl!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 4, 2007 11:05 AM.

The previous post in this blog was If you were a Wu Ping film....

The next post in this blog is Rolling over already?.

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