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If you were a Wu Ping film...

...you'd be "Wee Angel, Shreiking Eel"

Right now, you're a wee angel, asleep in my arms, after a meal straght from "the tap" as it were. you were still hungry, so momma finished it off with a dessert from the bottle, but you are making great progress.

we've been doing a big no-no and are letting you sleep in our bed, between our pillows. the fear is that we'll accidentally roll over onto you. so far, you and i have gotten awfully cozy, but no limbs have snapped yet, so that's good. mom claims there are these "bumper" things available to keep you isolated from us. i'm picturing a rectangle of "funoodles," but it's probably more than that. we'll see about getting you a bumper set to protect your wee angel limbs.

...and, as if to demonstrate the point, you have just become shreiking eel... gotta go. i love you!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 4, 2007 10:36 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Nursing. Tattoo. Showing you off..

The next post in this blog is you have a belly button!.

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