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Mom's first day "alone."

In prep for tomorrow when I go back to work, I diappeared into my office, shut the door, and didn't come out for a few hours, leaving Mom to deal with you on her own. This way, if the fit hit the shan (as it were), I'd be right there to help, but hopefully she wouldn't need it. She didn't, so that's good. I came out when it was (past) time for lunch, and am back now getting ready to go back to work tomorrow. I've got over 5000 emails to filter through; most of them can just be filed or deleted, but that takes time, so I'm doing it now. That way, my 4 hours in the office tomorrow can be spent actually doing something.

You keep growing. It's amazing. You've finally got pudgy little baby limbs. Your hands are filling out and don't look quite so small anymore. You've finally got a butt. Your stomach doesn't look so rediculously huge compared to the rest of you anymore. It's all good. You're aproaching the look of a full term baby, which is good because you'll be full term in a few days. :)

Back to email. I love you, baby-girl.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 7, 2007 4:04 PM.

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