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This is the first "letter" from me. I asked Daddy to set it up so I could add letters too and it turned out he already had done so.

Daddy & I bumbled through giving you your first bath last night... Well, I bathed you and Daddy took pictures. He did dry you off and get you diapered and dressed at least. You really are a beautiful little creature but you *hate* being naked. I'm hoping that this will change with respect to bath time, as I've seen how much fun Jayden has in the bath.

We also had our first night nursing at 1am this morning. Daddy was fast asleep and it was well-earned, as he was the one who tried to calm you in the evening when you were screaming for an hour or so. We try so hard to figure out what is wrong. It breaks our hearts to not be able to figure out what you're trying to tell us, especially when you are crying inconsolably. Anyway, back to the nursing. While you didn't latch perfectly (I've got the sore nipples to show for it), you drank with gusto from both sides once you did get a latch. It wasn't quite enough so I woke Daddy to finish up by giving you a bottle while I pumped. I was hoping that by nursing you instead of just bottlefeeding you would fall back to sleep easier. That didn't really happen but Daddy did let me go back to bed when I was finished pumping.

You made your first trip to farmer's market yesterday, as we made plans to meet up with Rozanne & Will from our childbirth class. Their baby is due January 11th, one day after you were due. Daddy put you in the sling (another first for the day) and we walked you around to my usual farmers to show you off. It was a beautiful sunny "winter" day.

It is time for me to put away the milk I just pumped for you and try to sneak back to bed for a while before the day gets going. I just wanted to write a bit down before it all gets lost in the jumble of thoughts that currently occupy my mind. I love you, baby girl. You really are the most beautiful thing in the world.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 7, 2007 6:51 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Best. Thing. Ever..

The next post in this blog is Mom's first day "alone.".

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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