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This is Halloween! This is Halloween!

I wrenched myself away from Lost just in time to carve my pumpkins before it got dark this evening.

Martha Stewart was right! A keyhole saw is the bizz-omb for carving pumpkins. I carved all three of these in about half an hour. My gutting was a bit sloppier than usual but I'm still pretty impressed. I will never use a kitchen knife or rinky-dink carving kit again!!! I still need to toast the seeds (heck, I still need to separate most of the seeds from the goop). I waited because it was really hot in the house. I could probably do it now tho.

BTW, the stacked pumpkins were two that I grew in my front yard this season! I can't wait until next summer (note that in the history books folks, it won't likely be heard again -- I really dislike most things about summer) so I can plant other varieties of pumpkin!

Everybody hail to the Pumpkin King!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 31, 2005 8:34 PM.

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