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I made it myself!!!

Tonight I made my first ever cake batter from scratch! I decided that I would make the Chocolate Pumpkin cupcakes from the October issue of Country Living magazine. I'm making the cream cheese frosting that they put with it but I'm probably gonna leave out the orange juice & zest.

Now I have a metric buttload of chocolatey cupcakes (that don't taste pumpkiny at all!!! This distresses me greatly since I went through the trouble to make the pumpkin puree from scratch too). The recipe was supposed to make 36 cupcakes, which was way too many to begin with, but it actually made 42! And I was filling the baking cups about twice as high as the recipe instructed!!! Also, I think I inhaled about half a cup of cocoa powder during the batter making process. I expect to be sneezing chocolate for the next few days.

Originally the plan was to take the cupcakes to work tomorrow for Halloween. Now it looks like I'll be taking them to my work (there are only gonna be 6 of us!), some neighbors, maybe Mark's work... If you want a cupcake, let me know and I'll see about setting some aside. I'll be in SLO until 2pm and then heading to the Bay Area on Tuesday afternoon.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 30, 2005 8:59 PM.

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The next post in this blog is This is Halloween! This is Halloween!.

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