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Planting Bonanza!

I've finally gotten around to planting some edibles in the front yard.

Last week I planted Lumina white pumpkin seed and 3 of the 4 seeds have sprouted. The pic was taken 2 days ago and they're already well on their way to getting their first true leaves established as of today.

Today I planted August Beauty sunflower seed, 3 heirloom tomato plants that are well suited for cooler climates (Black Prince -- from Russia, with dark, smokey flavored fruits, Stupice -- small, red fruits (much like Early Girl), and Striped Roman -- Roma-style red fruits with yellow striping), and Better bell pepper.

I'm gonna try to find a source for a grape tomato plant to round out the selection. I read somewhere that Home Depot may sell a variety of grape tomato. I also want to get ahold of a zuchini seedling so I can grow my own this year to make copius quantities of zuchini bread. Mmmmm... zuchini bread. Ooooh... And Zuchini Lemon muffins. Those are soooo good.

I also have some nasturtium and basil seeds to plant. I think I'm gonna grow the basil in a container. Probably the nasturtiums too, so they don't take over the entire yard.

I'll keep y'all posted on the garden's progress in case I have more produce than we can use. I'd always rather give it away than see it rot.

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