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Knit 'til ya drop!

Here are some pics of my recently completed and current knitting projects.

First we have the "Princess Snowball Cat Bed" from Stitch n' Bitch. Squeak approves. It is made from Red Heart acrylic yarn and Lion Brand Fun Fur.

Next, also from Stitch n' Bitch, is my take on "Under The Hoodie". Since I'm kinda sensitive to wool, I used Schachenmayr Nomotta Aurora (cotton/acrylic) for the main body and the accent stripes and Berroco Uxbridge Tweed for the wide stripe.

While I don't actually have any pics of them, I've also made 3 of the "Umbilical Cord Baby Hat".

As for current projects, I've started making the Lion Brand Microspun Ripple Shawl to go with my red & black Mandarin style dress, and well, any other dressy outfits that may need an extra layer.

I've also started working on my Gryffindor scarf. I'm roughly following the pattern at knit.atypically.net. I didn't really want the full width (9"), so I just cast on half as many stitches and went from there. I'll probably make it full length tho. I do really like working in the round, as my fingers work a lot harder making purl stitches than making knit stitches.

I'm also working on college sports throws for my sister-in-law and her new husband (Cal and Alabama, respectively) tho that is pretty slow going. I expect to start 2 more baby hats (for twins!) to have in time for a July baby shower as well. So many projects!!!!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 13, 2005 8:58 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Crappy sleep, Day 6.

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