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That magical "3 Months..."

People kept telling us that things get better "at about 3 months." It's all going to happen "at about 3 months."

Well, you're about 11.5 weeks old right now, just under 3 months. And, _DAMN_, they weren't kidding. You're holding your head up pretty much all the time now, you're awake a lot of the time now, you regularly sleep about 5 hours in a stretch at night now (except last night, but...) You're fussing less and smiling more..

...did I mention, you're smiling now? Yeah. That's pretty darn cool. :)

Still not tired of looking at you. I love you, baby girl.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 1, 2007 8:52 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Wow..

The next post in this blog is (Almost) Sleeping Beauty.

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