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Naps are the best things in the world.

The three of us (you, me and Momma) took a nap this afternoon. We put you in the bouncy chair to keep you elevated a bit, which seemed to work well for awhile. You eventually got a little fussy and wanted to be held, so I put you on my chest, which I'm not supposed to do for fear of rolling over on top of you, but hey. Momma spent some time on her side, a first since the C-section. All three of us got about an hour or two of sleep, which was fantastic.

Dangit! I thought of another couple lines for BabyGirl earlier today, but wasn't anywhere I could write them down, and now I've forgotten. :(

I thought you'd get a kick of this: http://www.inktank.com/images/AT/cartoons/12-30-02.gif


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 2, 2007 6:54 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Music to my ears... Thoughts....

The next post in this blog is Nursing. Tattoo. Showing you off..

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