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What a whirlwind... Part 2

...and the whirlwind hasn't stopped yet, although it shows signs of slowing down...

It's about noon:30 when I start this second post. Mom just finished pumping your next meal, and you're still asleep in your room after having your previous meal at about 10am. I've got about 30 minutes before I need to wake you up and feed you again.

Where did I leave off? Oh yeah, the shreaking eels...

When the doc pulled you from Mom's belly, we got to see you for about 30 seconds before they whisked you away to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) where you stayed, under observation, for about 24 hours until the Magnesium Sulfide they were giving Mom to prevent seisures left your system enough for your digestive tract to start working enough to feed you orally. They were also watching your body temprature, since you were so small with so little body fat to help you regulate your own temprature.

But, after 24 hours, they deemed you Good To Go and trundled you on down the hall from the NICU to the room Mom was staying in. This was Wednesday afternoon. We got to spend the next 30(ish) hours with you in our room. While we had you, I was doing the feedings (since Mom was still recovering from the MagSulfide and major surgury), and I noticed your lips would turn darker colors while you were feeding. The nurse brought in an O2 Saturation monitor and hooked it up for your next feeding, then proceeded to yank the bottle from your mouth when your O2 saturation level dropped below 80 (normaly is 95-100; you floated right around 99 and 100 while not feeding.) Back to the NICU you went (this was Thursday afternoon) for another few days, until we all were discharged together on Saturday morning. While in the NICU this time, you were primarily just under observations. You never had another O2 saturation problem. Our theory is that you were just trying to figure out the coordination of: Suck, swallow, breath. Suck, swallow, breath. Suck, swallow, breath. You were >< this close, and it just took you one or two more tries.

...time to go to lunch to show you off to Mei. Next stop: Home.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 21, 2006 12:37 PM.

The previous post in this blog was What a whirlwind... Part 1.

The next post in this blog is Thank you for being cranky... ...at first..

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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