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NaNoWriMo is done. Next up?

I'm nearly 3 weeks done with NaNoWriMo and still haven't picked up another project yet.

I've gotten the parts for my new desktop, the one on which I hope to install Xen, Win7, Ubuntu 9.10 and possibly someday MacOS. I've played a bit with Xen and haven't gotten to the point where I can easily build a DomU with full-screen (read: usable as a primary desktop.)

I'm officially at the point where I need to just make the machine workable and start migrating stuff from the old box. So I think I'm going to dedicate one drive to Win7 and one drive to Ubuntu and dual-boot for now. Maybe someday down the road I'll throw a third small drive in to run Xen and a Dom0 and can just attach the physical drives to their respective DomUs.

So, that's what I'm going to do tonight. The Goal: Have a working Win7 (see below) and Ubuntu 9.10 install tonight.

I have installed Win7 on this new system already, and it needed new network drivers for my motherboard. I also tried to get it to do software RAID on the OS drive and I think it didn't like that. So I plan to just start over. I also plan to download a new network driver on the old system and put it on a USB stick. :-)

Time to get working.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 20, 2009 7:42 PM.

The previous post in this blog was NaNoWriMo update: 10011 words, one day early.

The next post in this blog is Update. Work on Puffer..

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.