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NaNoWriMo is going well!

Let me start off by saying that since this is my first serious attempt at writing ANYTHING, my personal goals for NaNoWriMo are: 10k words by the end of the month, and to write at least a little bit every day.

Open Office and the NaNoWriMo page disagree on my word count by 119 words, but in either case, I'm at about 5500 words right now, a bit ahead of schedule, which is good.

However, I am already down by two days toward my goal of writing a little bit every day. The first day was caused by other commitments (see below) which I made up for by writing twice the next day. The seconday (yesterday) I threw under the bus of my personal well being. Between work pages and family waking me up whether I want them to or not (the dogs too; not just Zoe), I haven't been sleeping much lately. So last night I went to bed at 8:30pm and woke up on my own this morning at 5am, an hour before my alarm. 8.5 glorious hours of sleep: precisely what I needed.

So, I've spent the last hour writing before anyone else got it, and got in nearly 800 words, and developed back stories for 7 characters. I'm very pleased with how this mornings writing went.

As for the other commitments I mentioned: I've been helping a friend of mine work on a hardware project involving a tiny surface mount camera, and interfacing said camera to an FPGA. I won't go into the details here yet (I need to get ready for work), but suffice it to say that I finished the circuit and board layout on Tuesday night this week (the first day I missed NaNoWriMo.)

Right. To the day job!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 13, 2009 7:11 AM.

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The next post in this blog is NaNoWriMo update.

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