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Status 2009-08-20: DNS and Blogs are moved

Turns out, ns3.halibut.com hasn't been working for quite some time. My buddy who used to host off-site secondary DNS for me apparently shutdown the VM he was using months (years?) ago. I vaguely remember him telling me this, but I didn't do anything about it.

So, today, I moved ns3.halibut.com to puffer, and setup ns1 (chiba) to automagically update ns3 when changes are made.

I'm still considering upgrading to Bind to enable DNS Sec, but I'm hearing generally negative opinions on the protocol, so maybe not. Really haven't decided yet.

I also ended up moving blogs.halibut.com (this site) to puffer. Along with the move came an upgrade from MovableType 3.3 to MovableType 4.3. Moved several blogs, not just my own. There were some other changes in there too, like I installed WordPress for one of them.

That's about all I've done so far. Left to do, in large swaths of category:

  • Random system cleanup and lock-down.
  • User accounts (home directories)
  • The other websites (tied to user accounts in most cases)
  • Email

    • Postfix (including authenticated SMTP relaying over TLS)
    • SpamAssassin
    • ClamAV
    • Dovecot (IMAP)
    • SquirlMail (web mail)
    • Mailman (or similar mailing list software)

So, yeah. Still lots more work to be done. I look forward to being able to retire chiba. It's been a good host. :-)


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 20, 2009 11:59 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Working again!.

The next post in this blog is Today: Hath Server Rebuild.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.