« Status 2009-07-23: Prepping for DefCon, Releasing Codename: Curious George | Main | Working again! »

BlogFade? No way!

Just a quick post to let y'all know that I haven't died.

DefCon went REALLY well. The talk seems to have been well received. The room was pretty full (standing room only, actually) and no one got up and left during the talk, so that's good. Aside from my talk, we competed in the Badge Hacking Contest and got an honorable mention for being the only group to successfully get all seven badge types together at once and talking. I'm pretty pleased with that, though I _REALLY_ effing want an Uber badge. Next year.

After DefCon, I became a single father for almost a week as Cindy went to a sock knitting convention in Portland Oregon, Sock Summit. She had a great time, and so did Zoe and I. But, being a single father, I didn't make any time to do personal projects; it was all about Zoe.

This week, since I was out Monday (when Cindy came back from Sock Summit), and I have a lot of catch-up work to do at The Day Job(tm), I decided not to take a 20% time this week. I probably will next week, but not the following week since I'll be out Monday and Tuesday for a family vacation.

Then, after that, I'll try to pick up a normal 20% Time schedule again. DefCon has given me several ideas for projects to do before next year, and not just the inductive coupling for EtherSniff... I've got a lot of work ahead of me this year. :-D


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 14, 2009 3:06 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Status 2009-07-23: Prepping for DefCon, Releasing Codename: Curious George.

The next post in this blog is Working again!.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.