« Project - Seebeck Clock: Tick for me, baby. | Main | Status 2009-07-12: Seebeck Clock - ready for hardware. »

Status: 2009-07-09 - Project: Seebeck Clock, coming along.

- I've successfully ported my code to the ATmega168. Mainly just involved changing a bunch of register names for the Timer control stuff, and adjusting what pins the PWM output is on.

- The ATmega168 has two 8 bit timers (TC0 and TC2) and a 16 bit timer (TC1). All three timers have 2 PWM modules available. I ended up using TC0 and TC2 for the three PWMs (with one to spare!) and am using TC1 as a clock tick source; by having a 16 bit counter, I can actually count 8192 clock cycles for every tick instead of counting 256 clock cycles 32 times for every tick.

- Started looking into interrupts and ISRs with avr-gcc. By the time I got to writing code, I had to take Cindy to a doctor's appointment and haven't made it back yet. This is what I'll work on next time I get a chance.

All things considered, I'm very happy with how this is all going. Once I get the hang of things, I think I'm going to like programming micro controllers in C instead of assembly. :-D For now, it's time for bed. G'night everyone. Be good humans.


Comments (2)

Yes, you're right. I don't understand any of this. But it still sounds kinda awesome.


Heheh. All you need to know is that it is a clock made from analog panel meters: http://twitpic.com/3ek95 Eventually, it will be powered by a candle. Yes, that's right, a candle. :-D

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 9, 2009 10:47 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Status 2009-07-12: Seebeck Clock - ready for hardware..

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