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Status: 2009-06-18

- (Obviously) Setup the blog to be used for brainstorming and status reports and whatever else strikes my fancy. I'm not heart set on a blog format for this, so I may migrate the data to another format (Wiki, maybe?) but I already had the blog system setup (See my Root Beer blog) so this was easy to get started.

- Finished cleaning Natasha's room in the nick of time for her to move in.

- Finished the chicken coop! Here's a picture of the completed coop. We decided it would be better for their first 12 hours or so to be spent in the warm day light rather than the cold night time, so The Lovely Ladies will move in tomorrow morning. Read: Just one more day of the stinky chicken poo in my office! W00-H00!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 18, 2009 6:45 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Mark's 20 Percent Time Experiment - Introduction.

The next post in this blog is Project List (as of 2009-06-18) UPDATED 2009-07-12.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.