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Batch 14 Writeup

Wow, that was a long 2 weeks...

Batch 14 was consumed several months ago at a party for my office. Got good reception, but no specific comments so nothing really worth writing up here.

Some of it also went as a bribe to a sister company who graciously offered to host some servers of ours for some business stuff we were doing. Again, I never got any specific feedback worthy of posting here.

And, it's been too long since I tasted it, I don't remember much. What I do remember, however, wasn't not favorable of the malted barley. I might try that again some other time, but not now. Also, the Avacado honey tastes good by itself, but not so much in the root beer.

So, next time (read: today), I'm using Alfalfa honey (what they had; I'm still waiting for Buckwheat again). Otherwise, I'm sticking with the same recipe.

I'll post again when I've written down a "as brewed" recipe and process.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 23, 2008 10:39 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Batch 15.

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