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Kegerator is being built - Part 2: Almost Done!

My kegs showed up today! I've got almost everything I need to put this bad boy together. The only problem at this point is that the hose they shipped with the kit is a) too small a diameter for the fittings involved, and b) shorter than I would prefer. A longer hose means more time for the beverage to drop in pressure before being exposed to the air, which means less chance for it fizz up all over the place, which means more CO2 left in suspension at the end, meaning a fizzier, less flat drink. A very good thing indeed.

Oh yeah, I've gotta charge the CO2 tank too. That's easy.

So, I'll be stopping by the welding shop and the brew store on my way to work tomorrow. Also the hippy store where I get my roots. Oh yes, batch 5 shall be soon in coming.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 22, 2007 9:09 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Kegerator is being built..

The next post in this blog is Batch 5.

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