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March 2007 Archives

March 6, 2007

FO: Baby Yoda Sweater

After we found out we were likely having a girl, I got started on making her a Baby Yoda Sweater in Lilac Mission Falls 1824 Cotton. It was a pretty easy knit but I lagged on putting all the pieces together until after Zoe was born. It is supposed to fit newborn to 6 months but it is slightly big on little Miss Windu now at nearly 3 months.

I also finished my first pair of socks before Zoe's birth and thought I took a pic but can't find it. I'll have to take another of the finished socks, the new socks in progress, and the gauge swatch for my "Dollar and a Half" sweater from the Winter 2007 issue of Interweave Knits.

March 9, 2007


We've had a bit of a rollercoaster this week but today and yesterday have been really good. So much that I start to think I'm getting the hang of this mommy thing. Today we have Pirate Baby!


I almost feel normal again. This week I have managed to do the following:

- get a haircut
- vacuum the house
- do most of the laundry
- get 5 hours of sleep in a row
- knit the bottom ribbing on my sweater
- clear the counter of the dirty dish backlog
- meet Mark for lunch at my favorite mediterranean cafe (Yay, gyros!)
- dye my hair
- arrange returning to work next month (20 hrs/week, from home, no set schedule)
- scrub the shower walls
- eat nachos (Zoe's almost 3 months so we're re-testing dairy)

Yeah, it's been a good week.

About March 2007

This page contains all entries posted to blackmoondog in March 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

February 2007 is the previous archive.

May 2007 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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