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Gnome Infestation?

I have been misplacing things lately. And they aren't stupid little things either. I have searched high and low yet cannot find a) my debit card, b) my iPod cable, or c) my Palm cable.

I expect my debit card will resurface any moment, as I called the bank to replace it this morning. I'm confident it wasn't stolen by humans as there haven't been any charges on it since I stopped by Trader Joe's Valentine's night. BTW, this is what you may be given when stopping by Trader Joe's on Valentine's night half an hour before closing:

I suspect the cables are off somewhere having some kind of illicit affair, as they were both on a tray table together when I last saw them. Despite my best efforts and much wracking of The Brain, I cannot find them in the house. They may have decided to r-u-n-n-o-f-t and elope in some locale where their love is not forbidden. I am especially distraught at the disappearance of the iPod cable, as I just put together a bunch of smart playlists I wanted to load onto the 'Pod for listening in the car either to try to calm Zoe's screaming or drown it out long enough to reach our destination.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 26, 2007 9:15 AM.

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The next post in this blog is FO: Baby Yoda Sweater.

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