Everybody's Workin' for the Weekend
Now that I'm caring for a newborn all day, I relish the weekends when Mark will be home to take turns holding & tending to Zoe so I can do other things. Even better are the weekends that include visits from grandparents, who want to do nothing but hold the baby. :)
This weekend my dad visited on Saturday. He and I took Zoe to farmer's market then went to lunch and ran some errands while Mark took a nice long nap. After she was fed, he and Mark watched Zoe while I went to the hardware store for water softener salt then after her next feeding we all went out to dinner.
Sunday was a really good day even though I think I overdid things a bit. First, we walked to our favorite neighborhood breakfast place with Zoe in the Bjorn. Mark had to take a work call near the end and it lasted for the walk home and after so he just kept the sleeping baby on his person. I took the opportunity to ride my bike for the first time in 8 months and got the dogs some exercise. I did some other random things around the house before Zoe woke up for her next feeding. I finally started feeling like myself again. After dinner I started a gauge swatch for a pair of socks while we watched either Iron Chef or Farscape, I can't recall which.
My brother and his girlfriend also came by, as they decided to spend a couple nights at the infamous Madonna Inn for her birthday. We visited at the house for a bit then kinda invited ourselves to lunch with them in Pismo. We went to Mo's and they headed down the street for chowder but re-joined us because the place was closed. I found that my sunshade is very handy for hiding the fact that I'm putting nursing pads into my bra. I had forgotten and started leaking as soon as we ordered our food. Thankfully, I had some in the diaper bag in the car. After lunch we said our goodbyes and Zoe, Mark and I walked down the pier for Zoe's frist visit to the ocean. It was kinda uneventful since she was sound asleep but at least I got a picture!