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July 2006 Archives

July 11, 2006

The Squash That Ate Manhattan

That'll teach me to lament that all my squash is small. It seems like overnight they went from teeny to humongous. I see zucchini bread in my near future. Lots of zucchini bread.

This is what we picked last night:

And here's to show the scale:

July 19, 2006


I finally took some pics of my current crochet/knitting projects.

First up is the third and final installment of the Family Afghan Triumverate (one and two can be seen here and here, respectively). This is the "Stunning Stripes" afghan from Book 3 of Afghans For All Seasons using Red Heart acrylic yarn. It is the Christmas 2005 gift for my mother-in-law (it's not late until Christmas 2006!! :). Socrates kindly made a cameo appearance in this pic.

Next up, we have my Very First Sock! Whenever someone asks what I'm making and I say "a sock", the next thing is always "Oh, are you making baby socks?". No way! Babies lose their socks all the time! I'm making socks for *me*. :) That said, I probably will make some baby socks somewhere along the line. Just not as my first pair. I'm using the free pattern from elann.com for the Sock It To Me toe up plain socks. Toe up sock knitting appeals to me because I don't really know how long I want the socks to be. Here's a pic of the sock as of last night with a cameo by Kira.

July 27, 2006

Salsa Time!

Our volunteer tomato plant (I think it is the Stupice variety) has a ton of fruit. There was finally enough to make our first batch of salsa. Mark is currently chopping up tomatoes, onion, jalapeno, cilantro, & garlic. In about 5 minutes we filled the green colander with ripe tomatoes.

The plant that I actually *intended* to use for salsa making turns out to be an imposter! The container said it was a roma variety but this is definitely *not* a roma:

I'm really just glad that it looks like we're gonna have a decent turnout this year. The past several seasons have been really disappointing tomato-wise.

About July 2006

This page contains all entries posted to blackmoondog in July 2006. They are listed from oldest to newest.

June 2006 is the previous archive.

September 2006 is the next archive.

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