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(Yet Another) Moral Imperative

After the first run through the Chronicles of Narnia DVD, I know exactly what I'll be working on when I finish bro-in-law's throw blanket. I *must* have Lucy's traveling hat. Oh yes, it will be mine. They're selling replicas on Amazon for $60-$100 but I'm perfectly happy making my own, as I have a bit of a wool allergy (much to my dismay -- there is so much fantastic wool out there!).

So, anyway, this new project should start relatively soon as I'm finally working on knitting up the last piece of the blanket! My goal is to have it finished by the time I head north for Bay To Breakers in May. I still have to get the script 'A' pattern made, knit the remaining 3/4 of the final piece, duplicate stitch the script 'A', and sew the whole shebang together. I'll post pics when I finish! :)

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 9, 2006 10:11 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Strawberry Fields, For A While....

The next post in this blog is Two Down, One To Go! Woohoo!!!.

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