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Garden of Eatin'

I planted two apple trees today! One is a Golden Delicious and the other is a Standard Delicious (a grandparent of Red Delicious). They were planted in one hole (which really means 18" apart) so the trees will grow together and we'll have yellow and red apples from what seems to be the same tree. It is going to be hard to wait the 3-4 years to reap our first harvest but I'm sure it will be worth it.

I also planted a Provence Lavender in the corner of the yard bordered by the driveway and the sidewalk. Provence is one of the nicest smelling varieties and I love the dark blue/purple flowers it produces.

I need to keep pulling out the lawn but I also need to get some more plants in to keep the weeds down. I've got 3-4 volunteer tomato plants from last year's crop and 3 volunteer sunflowers. I think I might have finally killed my potted pineapple sage. :( I forgot to water since the last rain and we've been having warm clear days and cold clear nights. I watered it today so we'll see if it bounces back.

I know it is past time for planting citrus but I really want to get my Meyer Lemon in the ground before I kill it too. I need to check my drawing again to refresh my memory on where I had decided to plant it.

Hopefully, this will be the year that our front yard actually starts to look like a garden rather than a mine field!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 23, 2006 6:02 PM.

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