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'Twas two nights before Christmas...

... and it is 10:00pm and 70 freakin' degrees!!!! This weather is sick and wrong. My wreath is withering because it has been so warm and dry this year and we've run the whole house fans for the past two nights. I wanted summer to be over in September and it is still here in December. :(

On a postive note, other than meteorologically today has been really good. I worked from home since the bosses were giving us a half day (making driving 40 minutes round-trip for 2 hours in the office seem pretty silly). I am just about to start the *last load of laundry in the house* (seriously, I've done about 12 loads in the past 2-3 days... the sheets and towels were building up for a while). I am almost finished with the last of the dishes. The house has been vacuumed. The presents are wrapped in their fabric bags. Mark and I went to see Peter Jackson's Big Monkey movie (where I bawled through the end and had no tissues -- hubby's hanky to the rescue!) and then had dinner at Del's in Shell Beach (they have the best rolls EVER!).

Tomorrow morning we start our holiday triangle. Three hours to the in-laws, party with them and their friends, sleep, wake up, do the breakfast and presents thing with the fam, pack up, drive 3 hours to my folks, unload the truck, rest a bit, head to do dinner and presents with Dad, brother and brother's gf, sleep, wake up, wait for brother and gf to show up, do presents with Mom, brother and brother's gf, have lunch, pack up the truck, drive 2 hours. Then we're home again. That is pretty much what my next 72 hours is gonna look like. Merry Christmas!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 23, 2005 10:03 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Ding-Dong the catnip is dead!.

The next post in this blog is 2005: The Rollercoaster.

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