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*sigh* Sucked In Again...

I've been watching Lost every day since Friday after having borrowed the Season 1 dvds from friends.

I'd been able to keep it to 4 episodes (one dvd) per day. Until tonight. I watched the 3rd disc and then was compelled to put in the next one and I ended up watching one more. Part of what keeps me from watching them faster is that I don't like watching it right before going to bed. The credits and music creep me out!

At least I don't have to fly anywhere any time soon...

Unfortunately, I poked around the show's website and ended up finding out that a particular character dies. Now I keep waiting for him to be mortally wounded. No more websites for me, until I catch up to the current season!!! (So no comments referring to anything past the 13th episode in Season 1!)

*sigh* Well, at least I'll get plenty of knitting done.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 23, 2005 10:32 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Counting my blessings....

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