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September 2005 Archives

September 14, 2005

Autumn is Nigh

This Sunday brings us the Harvest Moon and next weekend is the local harvest festival (which I'm gonna check out with my mom). Autumn is my very favorite time of year. The extra bit of chill in the night air, the golden light in the late afternoon, the pumpkins and apples (and in our area, cheap, tasty tomatoes!).

Today after work I made my first (likely of many!) trip of the season out to my favorite local apple orchard, Gopher Glen. The drive to the orchard is my favorite part. It is about 2.5 miles of twisty country road through the woods in See Canyon past a couple other orchards. For me it is just as potent a soul soother as going to yoga. Despite the threat of fire, I would *love* to live in the peace and quiet of the woods. I'm such a hobbit in that respect.

My favorite apples from Gopher Glen are their Golden Delicious. If you go to their website and read the description it says "These are not grocery store Goldens" and they're not kidding. They're crisp and sweet (but not too sweet!) and store very well. I also picked up a pound of Galas, which are at the end of their season, and a pound of Jonagold (or was it Jonalicious? Hmmm.). The grower at the orchard was the person who identified the apple tree in our backyard as Red Gravenstein. We took an apple out to them and after it stumped the stand workers they passed the rest of the apple and our phone number on to the grower.

As for my own little harvest, we're still picking zucchini and tomatoes but all the pumpkins and green beans have been picked and the vines have died out and been added to the green waste bin. I ended up with 9 pumpkins from the 4 plants, all harvested in August and currently curing in my sunroom. Next season I'm gonna wait a little longer to plant and plant more than one variety (probably a pie variety, an heirloom like Cinderella, and a jack-o-lantern variety).

Soon I'm going to plant sweet peas and my Meyer lemon tree and fill in the area that I've planned for permanent plants with things like lavender, rosemary, sage and geraniums. I've got some nasturtium seeds that have been put off all summer that I'll likely put in a half barrel. As for veggies, I'm hoping to grow some rainbow chard but that's about all for the cool season food crops.

September 21, 2005

Adios, gentoo...

I'm one step closer to getting the Linux install off my PowerBook.

We ordered a hard drive enclosure that does firewire and USB a couple of weeks ago when Mark ordered new RAM for his flailing desktop. Last night I made my first bootable clone on the external drive and then tested it for bootability before installing the batch of updates that contained the recent security update 2005-007 (since it seemed to be giving people fits). So far, so good.

Cloning my OS X partition was the next step in my quest to remove the yaboot prompts that seem to slow startup considerably. Since just about everything I wanted to do with Linux works better under OS X, there is really no point in wasting half the hard drive with an operating system that I'm not gonna use. It was primarily installed in a fit of frustration with the broken SMB stuff in 10.4, which may have been partly my fault in mistaking the IP address of the our home media server (Oops).

I'm really liking all the cool applications that come with the OS on the mac. Like iPhoto. And iTunes (now that I know how to use it to encode mp3s). I'm filling up the Dashboard with nifty things like a Google Maps widget and countdowns for movies like HP4 and Serenity. I'm still using Firefox but now that I know Safari does tabbed browsing, I may give it another shot. Adium is my absolute favorite IM client to date. I wish I could use it on Windows (for work), as its UI customization settings have blown away Gaim.

Congratulations, Jonathan. While I may never be a mac zealot, I'm definitely leaning toward it as my platform of choice and am grateful for the opportunity to add another OS to my geek fu.

About September 2005

This page contains all entries posted to blackmoondog in September 2005. They are listed from oldest to newest.

August 2005 is the previous archive.

October 2005 is the next archive.

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