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Items Exiting the Queue

I've polished off much of my knitting queue since the last update. The twin girl baby hats were gifted at the baby shower (Doh! I never took a pic of them!), the recycled silk shawl has been delivered to its new home, my Gryffindor scarf is ready and waiting for cold weather, and my Microspun Ripple Shawl will be accompanying me to a wedding this weekend (the outdoor ceremony will likely be 90F+ but the reception is in the barrel room of a winery).

Current projects include continuing progress on the Cal color block throw and making a KittyVille hat for a friend. I just got some Pachuko Organic Cotton to make a sweater but I've laid down a moratorium on knitting for myself until I can get the sports throws finished for my sis-in-law & her hubby.

Here are pics of the scarf and shawl (with a guest appearance by the blackmoondog herself!):

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 2, 2005 5:18 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Ah, How Soon They Grow Up....

The next post in this blog is It's a Ruff Life.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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