
prius Archives

April 7, 2006

Staying Ahead of the Weather

My waterproof, pet resistant custom fit seat covers for the Prius arrived today! They took the scenic route, as they shipped from Colorado on March 24th, arrived in So Cal on March 28th, then somehow ended up in Parsippany, *New Jersey* on April 3rd. I guess they wanted one more road trip before settling down into suburban life.

The covers are pretty impressive. They're GT Covers. GT Covers makes custom fit seat covers in a wide variety of fabrics for wide variety of makes and models of vehicles. I found them via the PriusChat forums. They happily sent swatches of the fabrics that interested me, without so much as a shipping charge. Because of the dogs, I settled on the "Blue waterproof" fabric. Hopefully, they will keep the dog hair out of the seats. I've had a really difficult time getting it out of the upholstery in the Saturn.

Also thanks to PriusChat, I was fully prepared for the installation of said covers to take hours and lots of wrestling. I am very grateful for the tips that other forum members posted. It saved a lot of hair pulling. Here are pics of the covers:

Front Seat:   Back Seat:

Alas, I didn't get away without a blood tribute and a sore back:

But, dammit, my car seats are now well protected!

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