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April 2005 Archives

April 18, 2005

A Plethora of Pinatas

I have currently got 5 knitting projects in progress. I still haven't stitched up my hoodie (after deciding the original sleeves sucked and starting them over). I have run out of Fun Fur for my "Princess Snowball Cat Bed" and haven't gotten back to the yarn shop. I have about half a 2x2 rib scarf in WoolEase woods print that I was hauling around to appointments (or other places that have a lot of waiting). Now I've also got a baby hat and a Cal afghan started. I really need to just finish something. The scary thing is that the baby hat was started last and will probably be finished first.

April 29, 2005

New photo gallery!

To celebrate the fact that I just got a new toy (PalmOne Zire 72) which has a built-in camera, I've started a new photo gallery for some of the random things that I take pictures of. Kinda like a moblog, just not on a phone (I'm actually hoping to find a phone *without* a camera). Anyway, the gallery can be found

I've also updated some stuff and rearranged things a bit in the gallery as a whole. As I wade through the bazillions of photos on my computer, more will be added. I've also got the annoying constraint of having to make sure all the files are under 2MB or else they don't upload properly. Bleah.

I give!!!

Until having to look at my main site (www.blackmoondog.com) on a CRT for the first time, I didn't agree that the colors were pretty difficult. I did all of the work on the color scheme on the laptop and I have an LCD at work so I didn't realize how hard it was to see the links and such. I'll be changing that rsn.

I only noticed today because the laptop has been commandeered for a week for the Wildflower Triathlon communications folks. I'm really missing the ability to use the computer from the couch. My desk setup just isn't that comfy.

About April 2005

This page contains all entries posted to blackmoondog in April 2005. They are listed from oldest to newest.

March 2005 is the previous archive.

May 2005 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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